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gay family
and friends
like Jesus.

Risking Grace by Dave & Neta Jackson


Rehabbing My Faith

by Dave Jackson

As the date for releasing of my book, RISKING GRACE, Loving Our Gay Family and Friends, approached, I realized there was another story about how God had been rehabbing my faith to bring me to a place where I could write such a book. It was scary to undertake the project because emotions--and condemnations--are so intense and widespread. I feared people I cared about would be angry with me, be disappointed in me, and feel like I'd betrayed them.

But I could not deny the situation God had brought to Neta and me in terms of giving us a gay daughter and teaching us how to love her.

The book is the product of that rehabbing. But the blogs tell the behind-the-scenes story of God's care and encouragement. I hope to continue the blog even after the book is released to follow up on responses and other developments within the church.

On the right, click on the blogs of interest, most recent at the top.







© 2015, Dave & Neta JacksonCastle Rock Creative